In 2003, Issey Miyake contributed an essay entitled “Let’s Create―Design Museum (Tsukuro- dezain myu-jiamu),” to the January 28th evening edition of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper. The piece lamented Japan’s lack of a museum devoted to design generated a great deal of attention, and as an unexpected result, Miyake gained a number of backers and advocates interested in helping him realize his dream. Four years later in 2007, thanks to their help 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT opened in the Garden of the Tokyo Midtown complex in Roppongi. Under the leadership of three Directors, Issey Miyake, Taku Satoh, and Naoto Fukasawa, as well as Associate Director Noriko Kawakami, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT continues to present a wide variety of exhibitions and programs dedicated to the exploration of design and the practices of manufacturing.
The letter to the editor that was the catalyst for 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT

January 28, 2003